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Tourism Venture | Santo António da Serra

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Estalagem A Quinta

Address | Estrada Santo António da Serra, nº398

Phone | 291 550 030

GPS Coordinates | 32°43'31.5"N 16°49'26.7"W

Site | Estalagem A Quinta


PortoBay Serra Golf

Address | Sítio dos Casais Próximos

Phone | 291 550 500

GPS Coordinates | 32°43'21.0"N 16°48'54.7"W

Site | PortoBay Serra Golf

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Quinta Cova do Milho

Address | Caminho do Poiso, nº191

Phone | 291 552 455

GPS Coordinates | 32°42'56.4"N 16°48'47.6"W

Site | Quinta Cova do Milho

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Quinta das Eiras

Address | Caminho das Eiras, nº 55

Phone | 919 868 168

GPS Coordinates | 32°43'12.7"N 16°49'31.0"W

Site | Quinta das Eiras

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Quinta do Lagar

Address | Travessa da fazendinha, nº 8

Phone | 965 364 590

GPS Coordinates | 32°43'16.8"N 16°49'46.2"W

Site | Quinta do Lagar


Quinta Santo António da Serra

Address | Sítio dos Casais Próximos

Phone | 965 012 959

GPS Coordinates | 32°43'25.5"N 16°49'04.8"W

Site | Quinta Santo António da Serra


Vila Joaninha

Address | Sítio dos Casais Próximos, nº 459

Phone | 291 227 193

GPS Coordinates | 32°43'20.5"N 16°48'53.6"W

Site | Vila Joaninha

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This platform gathers historical, tourist and cultural information about the Municipality of SANTA CRUZ - Madeira Island, Portugal

© 2020 by CMSC | Text collection and editing: Gabinete de Turismo | Translation: Gabriela Magalhães and Leonilde Olim | Photography: CMSC (all rights reserved)

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