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Onion Festival

The celebration of the onion is considered one of the most important events that take place in the parish of Caniço. This event happens for about 3 days and seeks to enhance and promote one of the main products that characterize Caniço very well, the onion. Throughout these days the center of the parish of Caniço is full of animation, with music and stalls of food and drinks, where the main product used is the onion. On the last day of the event, usually on Sunday, there is a parade through the streets of Caniço alluding to the onion.

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This platform gathers historical, tourist and cultural information about the Municipality of SANTA CRUZ - Madeira Island, Portugal

© 2020 by CMSC | Text collection and editing: Gabinete de Turismo | Translation: Gabriela Magalhães and Leonilde Olim | Photography: CMSC (all rights reserved)

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